Work With Us
Many writers and entrepreneurs struggle to share their story with the world.
My team and I give you a system to bring
clarity to your message,
and create a plan to complete your book.
Which one is right for you?
Private Coaching
I offer three ways to work with me. I advise you to start with a complimentary Best Book Ever Session. Learn the Four-Steps To The Best Book Ever! You may or may not be ready for private coaching. If you are, great we will start right away!
If you are not, then I highly recommend downloading the Four-Steps To The Write Book series. This will give you an opportunity to work on your project, and you can come back to work with me privately at any time. Sign Up for Your Four-Steps To The Write Book series below!!
Learn more details about the Best Book Ever Session by clicking on the button below. This will help you clarify your vision, and give you a path to complete your book.
Editing Services
Your book is written! Congratulations!
Now it is time to edit. Schedule a meeting with me, and we can discuss your editing needs.
I offer three types of editing services:
1. Copy Editing - check for grammar, punctuation, and proper sentence structure.
2. Developmental Editing - Includes Copy Editing PLUS a full content edit. I check for the flow of your content, and line-by-line edits of your book. I offer suggestions to make your book compelling and written with your audience in mind.
3. Printer's Proof - I will proof the final copy of your book to make sure it is free from errors, and ready for your readers!
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