Hi! I'm Cherrilynn Bisbano,
The Write Coach.
I write, speak, coach and hunt sea glass.
I'm not afraid of a challenge, but I'm terrified of heights.
I hiked The Stairway to Heaven (Puʻukeahiakahoe) while stationed in Hawaii with the Navy. We signed a death waiver before the 2,480 ft trek to the summit of Puʻukeahiakahoe. I froze with fear when I looked at the valley below me. My friend encouraged me to continue the adventure. He instructed me where to place my feet so I wouldn't fall. We made it to the top and threw our hands in the air. VICTORY! I found out 25 years later they rated this hike one of the most dangerous climbs in the world.
The thought of writing a book can instill fear in the most daring person. My desire is to encourage and equip you to climb the mountain toward publishing. You can do it afraid.
My desire to write began when I experienced freedom to express my true feelings, and others wanted to read it.
My Journey
I never wanted to write. I'm a speaker. After years of people asking me for a book, I gave in and attended my first writer's retreat. I met many authors who are my dear friends today.
God catapulted me into the literary world. That first year I attended four writers' conferences, contributed to an award-winning writing website, and soon became the managing editor of that site. I learned so much as I became a submissions reader and then a junior literary agent. I thought I found my home when I hosted a writing program and interviewed many best-selling authors.
God had something else in mind as I read book proposals. The stories and ideas had great promise, but the proposals lacked the necessary information to grab an agent or publishers attention. I had to reject many proposals, and my heart broke for the authors. I desired to help each writer create a professional proposal, so I stepped down from my "dream" jobs and founded The Write Proposal to coach writers on the book proposal process and editing services. I felt like a fraud starting a business and learning along the way until I discovered that many entrepreneurs launch and learn.
I developed a detailed book proposal checklist I use as a guide with all my clients. It's proven invaluable in creating a professional proposal.
Joyce Glass and I met at a writer's conference and instantly became friends. She impressed me with her knowledge of writing and her business savvy. It was only a matter of time for The Write Proposal joined forces with The Write Coach and became The Write Coach Team.
Now I have the privilege of working with amazing writers to take their idea from mind to manuscript!
My goal is to help you get your idea
from mind to manuscript.
My Family
My family and I love to eat out. We consider ourselves connoisseurs of pizza, cheeseburgers, and ice cream. We love to laugh and watch America's Funniest Home Video together. We homeschool our autistic son, Michael. He is a natural musician, just like his father. My husband, Mike, and I tied the knot 21 years ago. I fondly call them my M&M's.
We live two miles from the beach in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. You can find me with my son at Guitar Center or at the beach hunting sea glass.