
Category Archives for "Writing"

#803 The Business of Business Writing with Holland Webb

By Joyce Glass | Create

Listen On your favorite app! Now on Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, and The Write Coach YouTube Channel!!Top Tips From The Write Coach​ ​Practice the basic elements of writing daily! ​Don’t let education, conferences, or reading, interfere with actual writing time. Scale your idea!​There’s nothing like the of one-on-one kind personal feedback from an experienced person who knows what they’re doing.~ Holland Webb […]

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#406: Four Writing Blunders To Avoid

By Joyce Glass | Complete

Top Tips From The Write Coach Find the best word not always the prettiest word.  Keep your sentence structure interesting by using a variety.  Beware of repeating words unnecessarily. Keep your readers in mind. What will keep them turning the page to learn more or find out how the story ends? ​~ Joyce Glass. ~ 1. Don’t Overuse The ThesaurusFinding the […]

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#402: What is the big deal about Active Voice?

By Joyce Glass | Create

Top Tips From The Write Coach What is the difference between Active Voice & Passive Voice?  Learn the three ways to correct Passive Voice.   What is the difference between Passive Voice and Past Tense? Active Voice creates powerful prose. ​Keep your readers engaged and turning the page.~ Joyce Glass ~ What is the difference between Active Voice and Passive Voice?  In most basic […]

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