I am a proud mama bird! Janet Kassalen is one of my coaching clients. Colleen Wietmarschen and Peter Wietmarschen edited and set up her book promotion. She released her first children's book last week, and today we can learn how Janet created this encouraging and motivating story for children and adults.
Janet, tell us a little bit about you:
I am an ordinary person who with the guidance and help of many people was able to publish my first book. Like many people, I have had to overcome obstacles in my lifetime. When I set my mind on something, I can usually accomplish it. This book is proof of my determination and tenacity.
I grew up in a parsonage as my father was a minister and the youngest of three daughters. My older sisters often protected me from the world and each other, whenever there was arguing going on between myself and one of my other sisters, or so I was told.
What inspired you to write this story?

My husband and I were on a camping trip where a cardinal kept attacking my husband’s red Explorer to the point where he had to move it less the bird injure itself. When I had to write a story with a moral for one of the projects in Toastmaster Internationals Advanced Storytelling Manual, my thoughts went to the persistent cardinal. It made me wonder if one could be persistent to a fault.
In my story, Rainier, a cardinal, is brave to quit some of his jobs and try something new on his search to find his passion.
How did you come up with a name for the cardinal, your main character?
You, as my writing coach, helped me find the perfect name. After looking at various websites containing names and their definitions. I recall we were having some difficulty with this process till I mentioned trying to find a name to fit with my father’s name, Raymond.
Rainier means decision maker, counselor; since the cardinal had some decisions to make in my story, it seemed like the best option. I think it is a good fit for my main character.
What Can A Cardinal Teach You? Interview with New Children's Author, Janet Kassalen #TheWriteCoach @Joyce_Glass
What is one thing you would like your readers to glean from your book?
My original purpose for this book was to offer hope for adults who were struggling in their careers, and find a fulfilling job/their passion.
Now I like better what Kay Fittes wrote in her foreword to the book: “Find your talents and opportunities and use them throughout your life, no matter the number of tries!”
I agree with her this is a message every child and adult needs to hear.
A note from Joyce:
Janet, you have bravely tried a new adventure, and now you are flying! I am so happy to be a part of this journey with you. Don't ever stop trying!
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Janet Kassalen

“Flip Flap Try . . . A Cardinal’s Journey” was originally a project written as a speech for the Toastmasters International Story Telling Advanced Manual. In June 2015, Janet received the Distinguished Toastmasters Award which is the highest award for Toastmasters International.
When she began writing this speech, Janet knew one day she would publish her story. In November 2016, she started working with a Professional Author Assistant and a Writing Coach, and her speech transformed into a powerful children’s story with a grown up meaning.
Janet lives at home with her husband and a 17-year-old cat. Janet enjoys playing viola in an all-volunteer orchestra. Playing classical music feeds her soul. Her current hobby is learning to play the banjo. Janet plans to write children’s songs about her story.
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Order your copy of Flip, Flap, Try ~ A Cardinal's Journey HERE
Available on Amazon Soon!