Top Tips From The Write Coach
You are more than your writing.
Chose better not bitter.
You are MORE than your writing, illness, or circumstance.
What defines you?
How did Whitney climb the mountain with her best friend and make it to the top? Whitney Ward is a walking miracle. She was born with an extremely rare disease. So rare it didn't have a name.
Join Whitney and Joyce as they discuss Whitney's choice not to define herself by her disease and live a life of woe.
""When your strength comes from the right source,
there's not a mountain you can't climb."
~ Whitney Ward ~
Whose life can you touch with your writing?
Joyce and Whitney discuss ways to turn your mountains into manuscripts. Penning your pain into stories can help others heal. Learn how Whitney created a ministry from her mountain.
Whose life can you touch with your writing? Interview with Whitney Ward ~ #1204 of The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoachTeam #TheWriteHour @BisbanoWrites

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Meet Whitney
Whitney Ward is an award-winning writer, a freelancer for two magazines that encourage the chronic illness community, and hosts her inspirational podcast, "Mountains Climbers."

She talks to people who have faced mountains in their lives, but God gave them the strength to scale them. She is a Mountain Climber herself, and her story testifies of God's faithfulness.
She lived with a life-altering primary immune deficiency, never knowing what caused it. In 2013, the National Institutes of Health, (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, discovered a rare gene mutation that caused her primary immune deficiency, and she was the first patient diagnosed with this mutation.
Since she was the first one found living with this disease and had developed a special relationship with her team of doctors, they invited her to help name her illness. Whitney chose "MAGIS" Syndrome because MAGIS means "MORE" in Latin. Whitney desires for anyone diagnosed with MAGIS Syndrome to remember they are MORE than their disease—MORE than their mountains.
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Connect with Whitney:
Whiteny Ward Site
Mountain Climbers YouTube Channel