Top Tips From The Write Coach
Blog consistently is key to connecting with you readers.
Use your blog as a diary.
Readers want to know the real you.
"Use your blog content for your book.
Use your book content to create blogs."
~ Cherrilynn Bisbano ~
Do you know how to use blogging to tell your story?
Join Joyce and Cherrilynn to discover how a blog is much more than just a place for information.
Why should you blog? Interview with Cherrilynn Bisbano, #1106 of The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour @BisbanoWrites
Is there a line you should never cross while blogging about your life?
Learn how to blog your story and decide how much of your story or information is necessary to share.

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Meet Cherrilynn
Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award-winning writer. She founded The Write Proposal after reading hundreds of book proposals with avoidable errors. These errors cost the author a contract or representation. As a submission reader and junior literary agent, Cherrilynn helped many authors succeed. She joined The Write Coach Team in December 2019.

As the managing editor of Almost an Author, she helped the website earn the #6 spot on the Top 100 best writing websites for 2018 by The Write Life and Top 101 Websites for writers with Writers Digest.
Cherrilynn hosted Genre Chat where she was privileged to interview expert writers like Jerry B. Jenkins, Liz Curtis Higgs, Cecil Murphy, Michelle Adams, Tim Shoemaker, and Steven James.
She is a two-time winner of Flash Fiction Weekly. She’s published in many online magazines and blogs. Cherrilynn contributed to Chicken Soup for the Soul- Miracles, Breaking the Chains, and Heart Reno books.
Cherrilynn proudly served in the military for twenty years, and earned the John Levitow Military leadership award.
She lives in Rhode Island with her son, Michael, and her husband, Michael. She fondly calls them her M&M's.
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Connect with Cherrilynn: - Site In Progress
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5 Steps to Blog Your Book
David Mike Blogged His Book
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