Top Tips From The Write Coach
Writing used as a tool to share and grow your business.
Learn how to create a clear message.
Relieve stress by writing.
We are vessels. The story has already been written.
Blessed for it to be written through you.
~ Tam Luc ~
Does your client connect with your story?
Many business owners leave their customers stuck in the middle of story without sharing the transformation.
Join Joyce and Tam as they discuss the three stages of a story and how to use your story as a business tool.
What is your story missing? Interview with Tam Luc on Episode #1102 -> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour @BisbanoWrites

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Meet Tam
Tam Luc is a #1 International bestselling author, and founder of Women with Vision International who shares the triumphs, stress, and struggles of balancing her life to help women grow their business.

After 20 years as a business entrepreneur, she helps women leverage their message and create the lifestyle they want through her own unique book messaging strategies. Her new book Women Who BossUp is available in August 2020.
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