Welcome to Season 10 of The Write Hour ~ Nonfiction Tips From The Write Coach!
This season we are going to share some of our favorite podcast from previous seasons to help you on your writing journey. We want to help you succeed, and our guest bring you valuable content with practical steps you can use immediately.
Enjoy your dose of writing motivation each week by subscribing at iTunes, Google Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, or use your favorite podcast app.
Episode #1001 - Replay of #503
Have you struggled with fear and being creative during this time of uncertainty? It is okay if you have. I have, and I know most people struggle right now. This is something none of us had ever had to deal with before. With all the unknowns, it can be anxiety inducing.
But you can use this time to continue to learn the craft of writing. Writing a crappy draft is easier to edit than a blank page. Write even if you don't feel like it. Set a timer and write for 15 to 30 minutes and see what you can get on the page.
Keep the practice of writing going. The more you write, the better your writing will become.
Mastering your mindset as a writer grows confidence you can help your reader. Omar shares three ways to grow your confidence. It was refreshing at this time to listen to this podcast again.
Mistakes are good for you! Don't let fear of not being good enough, smart enough, or whatever is holding you back stop you from sharing your message.
Episode #1002 - Replay of #103
How do you keep your notes, ideas, and research organized for your book? One of the biggest struggles writers share with me is knowing how to keep all this information organized.
This episode gives you practical ways to organize your content, and make it easy for you to find and use while writing.
What is your favorite way to organize you ideas and research? Share in the comments on the post above.
Join us next week (May 18th-22nd, 20) for a
5 Day Challenge ~ Get the Book Out of Your Head!
Create the outline for your book
in 15 minutes a day for 5 Days!
Kick fear to the curb and jumpstart your book in a week!
Learn more &
Sign up at www.TheWriteCoach.biz/5DayChallenge
Click on Read More to see all the Links for this Episode.
Episode #1003 - Replay of #104
Are you procrastinating writing your book, because you are not sure where to start? I hear this question often, and this episode guides you through the five steps to make real progress on your book.
Stop spinning your wheels and make progress today!
Episode #1004 - Replay of #406
Do you know the four common writing blunders and how you can correct or avoid them?
Part of becoming a professional writer is learning the rules, knowing when to break them, and which ones to follow.
You want to keep your readers in mind. What will keep them turning the page to learn more or find out how the story ends? You may want to print out today's show notes to keep for reference or save in Evernote.
Episode #1005 - Replay of #202
Should I create a book from my blog posts?? Yes, you can!
But I don’t recommend it. There is a myth thrown around you can throw some blog post together and call them a book. However, I don’t agree with this idea.
You write a blog in a short direct format for a particular audience about a specific subject. I have learned some great things from blogs, but I would not want to read a series of disjointed thoughts in a book.
Listen to this episode to learn the 5 Steps To Turn Your Blog Into A Book.
What is the TWC Writing Club?
Would you like to have support and help on how to write your book and grow your audience? Check out the TWC Writing Club for one month FREE! Learn more and sign up at TheWriteCoach.biz/Club.
Episode #1006 - Replay of #706
How do you secure a "YES" from agents and publishers for your book proposal??
Cherrilynn breaks down the proposal into bite size pieces and explains the most import parts of a proposal. A professional proposal requires hard work and research. The One Page Sell Sheet, Author Bio Page, Competitive Analysis, and Marketing Plan are discussed in this episode. Joyce and Cherrilynn agree professional edits are a must for every book proposal.
Download the Book Proposal Checklist in the show notes above for #706!
What is the TWC Writing Club?
Would you like to have support and help on how to write your book and grow your audience? Check out the TWC Writing Club for one month FREE! Learn more and sign up at TheWriteCoach.biz/Club.