Top Tips From The Write Coach
Show up and serve your social media audience.
Your marketing must support your Facebook & Instagram Ads.
Every author needs to do Facebook ads to build their email list.
"Listen to your audience,
enter the conversation going on in their minds
at the point where they need your help."
~ Salome Schillack ~
Should an author spend time and money on Facebook Ads?
Social media is a great place to make connections with influencers and your potential readers. But you need a way to connect with your readers BEFORE you publish your book. You can't control social media algorithms. You can control your email list.
Growing an email list is imperative to grow your business and/or connect with your readers on a deeper level than on social media alone.
One way to grow your list is by creating engagement ads and taking your audience on a journey to get to know you and fall in love with your work! If you help people while you write your book, you create raving fans before you publish and will have people waiting for your book to arrive online to buy!
Join Joyce and Cherrilynn as they learn the Do's and Don'ts of Facebook & Instagram ads. Salome explains what questions an author must ask themselves to reach their ideal reader.
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Want to know how to break through the noise of Facebook & Instagram and reach your ideal audience? Join Cherrilynn & Joyce as Salome Schillack reveals how to utilize ads. Tips From #TheWriteCoachTeam #TheWriteHour @BisbanoWrites
Meet Salome
Salome is the CEO and Founder of Shine and Succeed, and agency that helps digital course creators launch bigger, grow more consistently and scale faster using Facebook and Instagram advertising.
After a few failed attempts at building a coaching business and then a social media business, Salome found herself video blogging about business mindset and online marketing strategies.

Salome successfully turned her Mommy-Vlog into a profitable online course and in doing so discovered a passion for helping others do the same.
And so, Shine and Succeed was born: a multi-woman Facebook ads agency that serve people who are making a difference in the world teaching their skills to others whilst creating both financial and time freedom for themselves.
Salome lives in Brisbane, Australia with her husband, two girls and a very silly sausage dog named Odie.
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Shine AND Succeed