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Top Tips From The Write Coach
Are you ready to write your book?
Do you struggle to organize your content?
Do you feel your grammar and English skills need work?
Learn three main phases of writing a book!
What is stopping you from writing your book?
As a new writer, it is hard sometimes to find the clarity you need to write your book. You have
When I ask my clients what is slowing them down, standing in the way, or stopping them from writing their book, there are many common answers. Time is
Three phases of book writing:
Clarity - Find Clarity
Create - Write
Complete - Edit & Format
A book will not find its way to the page
from your head if you are not intentional.
~ Joyce Glass, The Write Coach ~
Find Clarity!
Free Write your ideas to get them out of your head. It will be easier to organize. This could be a few paragraphs or a few pages.- Do not worry about creating your work R-I-G-H-T before you W-R-I-T-E.
- After you write out your ideas, use the Four-Steps To The Write Book to organize your thoughts. (Sign up box below)
- General Topic
- Specific Topic
- Outcome/Foundation sentence - What do you want your reader to think, feel, or do after reading your book?
- How? How can they accomplish the foundation sentence.
- Some people talk their ideas out and then having a service transcribe them.
- Talk the ideas out with a friend if you can’t seem to get clear.
- Write by hand.
- I am a digital girl and prefer typing. I have learned to write and type better than handwriting.
- Writing is the creative side of your brain. Take your Four-Steps (Writing Plan) and your free writing notes, and create chapter one, then Chapter two etc…
- Give yourself mini deadlines, and figure out the best time of day for you to write. It may be different on different days.
- Don't be rigid with deadlines and writing time, but be intentional. Every Sunday look at your schedule and plan the times you can write.
Writing Time Tips!
- Find 15-30 minutes you can write daily or a few times per week.
- Have something planned to write. When you finish writing for the day, think about where you want to start the next time you write. Make a note of it in your document if you want or on your calendar.
- Use the Writing Planner - Plan days you can write and track your progress. (Included in the Four-Steps To The Write Book Email Series.)
Messy Middle:
- This is the part where you wonder if you are crazy, and if you will ever finish this book.
- Find a friend or join Write My Book Group on Facebook for support and encouragement through the messy middle. Let us know where you are at, and how we can encourage you or help you.
Get support to get through the Messy Middle!
Crush Overwhelm & Get the book out of your head! ~ Episode #601 -> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour
Complete Your Book!
You can finish a book in a month to six months if you are intentional and diligent with your writing.
- Your schedule
- How fast you write
- How much research you need to do
- Editing - how much you need to edit. For a first-time author, editing takes longer, because you are still learning how to write for your audience.
Editing is the last process you will go through multiple times. Again, this is something you can customize to your style.
First Draft Editing Questions: (Soft Edit)
- Does it flow good?
- Does it make sense to my reader?
- Do you stories intrigue the reader and compelling them to keep turning the page?
- Do I see any glaring typos, grammar, punctuation, spelling issues, etc?
- Does everything relate to your foundation sentence for the chapter and the book?
- Did you make all the points you wanted to make in the chapter?
Each time you go through your book to edit. You want to look for different things. If you have something like Grammarly to help you clean it up, that will be great. BUT Grammarly does not take the place of a professional editor.
Editing Process:
- 1 - Content flow.
- 2 - That is NOT that necessary and Get rid of GET!
- 3 - Grammar, punctuation, and spelling issues.
- Grammarly or Pro Writing Aid
- 4 - Formatting - (Hire someone to complete formatting)
- Make sure you use the same font through the entire book
- Do you have subtitles? (3-5 paragraphs is good - not a rule, just a guide.)
- Make sure
to properly write out all links! - Make sure if you do something one way in the first chapter, you follow through the next chapter.
The three most important people to hire for your book are:
- Editor &/or Writing Coach
- Book Cover Art - Graphic Designer
- Formatting the inside (Your Text and any images/icons)
Recommend Jet Launch with Chris O'Byrne (JetLaunch . net)

Hi Creative!
STOP The Overwhelm!
Simplify the writing process!!
Learn the Four-Steps To The Write Book!
Create a powerful and compelling book
to help your clients or readers!
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Episode Highlights:
00:55 Intro
02:38 Find Clarity!
12:28 Create - Time to Write Your book!
21:31 Complete Your Book
23:27 Editing Process
38:54 Three Most Important People To Hire
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Episode #501 - Amazon Ads for Authors ~ Interview with Chris O'Byrne