Can I use my blog post to create a book?
Yes, You can!
BUT I don’t recommend it.
There is a myth tossed around you can throw some blog post together, and call them a book. However, I don’t agree with the blog to book idea directly. A blog is in a short direct format for a particular audience about a particular subject. I have learned some great things from blogs, but I would not want to read a series of disjointed thoughts in a book.
Please …. Do not fall for this . . .

JUST say NO! You produce income for them, but not for you.
Blogging is an excellent way to learn the craft of writing, develop your voice, and find your audience. Are you blogging? Download Blog Post Blueprint to help you with setting up your post.
No, But Yes!
No, I don’t recommend you throw your blog post together to create a book. However, YES, you can use all the valuable content you created as the basis for your book.
A book needs to have organization and flow. When you are writing stand alone blog post, you are most likely not thinking about how this could work together in a book format.
Learn the 5 Steps on how to turn your Blog into a Book!! #TheWriteCoach @Joyce_Glass
Yes! You can turn your Blog into a Book!
5 Steps on how to turn your Blog into a Book!
1) Create A Writing Plan for your book:
- Assemble all the content into one document in Word, Scrivener, or Evernote
- Create Writing Plan For the entire book - using the information from your post. Learn how to create your writing plan by answering a few questions. The Write Academy Team created The Writing Plan, and you can sign up for the four-part series below to learn how.
- What is the outcome you want your reader to learn from your book? Main Theme/Point
2) Your Blog Post is missing information for your book.
- Write a blog post about the missing information.
- This will help you refine the information for your book, and you will receive feedback on your post.
3) Edit … EDIT … Edit!
- Edit your book the best you possibly can.
- THEN hire an editor to edit it again.
- EVERYONE needs an editor. No one creates a perfect manuscript on your own.
4) CREATE Raving Fans for your book!
- Include new content for the book only to entice your readers to want to buy the book.
- Interview experts, support your topic with examples of people who worked with you, or stories/illustrations.
- Have your readers excited about the upcoming book release. Make them part of the process. Ask them what questions they would love for you to answer.
- A loyal fan base is advantageous if you are seeking to publish your book traditionally. It is vital if you plan to self-publish.
5) Keep Blogging Consistently!
- Your next book could be in there.
- Plan your next book, and blog to coordinate with the outline of your next book!
- This reduces the stress of fitting blogs into a book. Blog your book strategically!
I am the co-founder of The Write Academy with Colleen and Peter Wietmarschen (Mother & Son Team). We inspire, educate, and support you through the writing process. We teach you how to answer your client's needs and add instant credibility by writing a book without giving it all away for free. Turn your success, system, or story into a book.
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