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Top Tips From The Write Coach
Don't agonize over the title until you write the book.
The biggest mistake authors make is not listening to expert advice about their titles.
Your book title should be less than 10 syllables.
Trying to nail down the title before they've
written the book is like trying to put a label
on something that doesn't exist.
~ Robin Colucci ~
What's the secret of creating a best-selling title?
Is the title of your book vital for sales? Is there a secret formula to achieve the perfect title? Are there words you NEVER should use in your book title?
Robin Colucci is a writing coach and helped writers make the New York Times Best Seller List. She examined book titles over the last few centuries and discovered some mind-blowing facts.
Join Joyce and Cherrilynn as they discover the 7 traits of a Best-Selling Title.
What's in a Name? Learn The 7 Traits of A Best-selling Title - Interview with Robin Colucci Episode #805-> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass & Cherrilynn Bisbano , Tips From #TheWriteCoachTeam #TheWriteHour @BisbanoWrites
Meet Robin
Robin Colucci helps consultants, coaches, and CEO Founders write and publish books that grow their business and further their cause. By integrating sound business strategy into every aspect of the process, she has helped clients double or triple

their incomes within a few weeks of beginning work together, long before the book is out.
Her clients have been published by major houses such as Random House, Doubleday, J. Wiley & Sons, Hay House, etc., and others have self-published. Robin is also Managing Director of eWomen Network’s New Haven/Shoreline East Chapter.
She has two kids in college and lives in Old Lyme, CT with her pug.
Episode Highlights:
00:57 Intro
02:07 Tell us about you and your journey to becoming a writer. .
09:09 What is a common mistake writers make with their title?
15:21 What is the name of the favorite book you helped write or edit?
18:15 What are the 7 Traits of a Best-Selling Title?
39:03 Tell us about your writing time. Do you have a consistent time you wrote? Do you write daily? What worked for you and what are some things that do not work for you?
43:41 What words of advice and encouragement do you have for new writers or someone who struggles to write their book?
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