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Top Tips From The Write Coach
Do writers need to use video?
Learn the 5 C's for creating a video.
What type of videos are good for book launches?
"I started doing video because I wanted to tell
people's stories. And I was interested in taking other
people who have created something powerful--
whether it was a course of business or even just their
own story--for a promotional launch and putting it
into compelling words where it actually does
make sense for viewers."
~ Jamie Nudelman ~
Why do writers need to create video?
Your reader wants to know more about you and connect with you. They want to know how you can help them with whatever their struggle or problem you can solve.
Video is a way to connect with people without even leaving your home. There are casual videos like Facebook Lives and IGTV on Instagram. Then produced videos with a more polished look for your book launch are another way to connect with your potential reader.
If being on video terrifies you, listen to this podcast, and learn some tips on how to become comfortable on video. Jamie shares the different types of videos a writer can use to grow their audience or promote their book during a book launch.
How to Use Video for Writers! Interview with Jamie Nudelman #705 -> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour
Meet Jamie
Jamie Nudelman is a Viral Video Creator and Lifestyle Hacker. He helps Health & Wellness Influencers Reach and Impact More People with their message through Social Media and Creative Video Story-Telling.

Jamie has worked with Influencer brands such as Kinobody, UMZU, Shawn Wells and has edited videos for Inner Light Media that have reached more than 4 million + views.
Jamie believes that in order to reach and impact the masses, it starts with mastering your mind and your daily habits as an entrepreneur. That’s why he co-founded with his partner which is a movement and a show dedicated to helping entrepreneurs building a life even richer than their bank accounts.
These days he and his partner are accidental nomads who travel the globe in search of their dream home.
Episode Highlights:
00:27 Intro
02:07 Tell us about you and your journey to video creator.
12:22 What types of videos are available to writers?
17:12 What is the process of creating videos?
25:07 What videos are good for writers/authors to use to promote for launch?
29:15 What words of advice and encouragement do you have for writers who don’t like video and are scared to do video?
Links Mentioned In This Episode: