
#703 Learn How To Use The Basics Of Scrivener

By Joyce Glass | Create

Episode #703 The Write Hour, Learn How To Use The Basics Of Scrivener, Publishing, Writing Journey, Book Marketing, How do I write a book, Book Coach, Writing Coach, Editor, Writing, Book, blogging, Editing, how to start a book, The Write Coach 

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The Write Coach YouTube Channel!!

Top Tips From The Write Coach

✍️  ​​Scrivener makes writing easier.

✍️  ​​​​Use the parts you need. Learn the others later.

✍️  ​​​Save TO THE CLOUD! Don't lose all your hard work.

Scrivener will make your writing time a joy!

~ Joyce Glass, The Write Coach ~

​In the video I cover why Scrivener is so AWESOME!!

  1. ​How to create a Scrivener file.
  2. ​How to create a chapter.
  3. ​How to create the text/pages in the chapter. 
  4. ​How to use the cork board feature.
  5. ​Label your progress of each chapter. 
  6. How to convert a file into .epub [iBooks] or .mobi [Kindle] format.
  7. The importance of of backing up all  your work in DropBox or a cloud service of your choice. VIP!!! Don't  lose your work!

Don't Be Scared! Learn How To Use The Basics Of Scrivener #703 -> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour 

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Links Mentioned In This Episode:

​Try Out Scrivener!
Works on Mac or Windows, and iOS devices!

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About the Author

Joyce Glass, The Write Coach, helps writers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners use the power of story to connect with clients. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember your story. Joyce takes her clients through the book writing process from the idea of a writing a book to the finished manuscript. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book or in the process.  Joyce loves to help her clients break it down into manageable steps. Some people start multiple books, and never finish. Joyce helps you reach the finish line.

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