Top Tips From The Write Coach
Practice your writing muscle. Write often to strengthen your writing muscle.
Let no one tell you what you can’t do or what you can’t be.
Cedric developed his message of loving others through his writing journey.
Refine and create your own style.
What you believe in or give energy to will
naturally reproduce itself.
~ Cedric Norris Jr. ~
What is your biggest struggle in writing?
For Cedric learning how to be vulnerable in his writing became the most challenging part of the writing process. He learned to share his pain connected him with his readers emotionally. They became invested in him as a person, and in his books. People want to know how you overcome or work through your struggles. They want to see how you achieve success, and how you can help them achieve success or healing in their life.
Listen to Cedric's journey to becoming a writer, and how he has grown as a person through the pain.
Refine & Create Your Own Style Of Writing ~ Interview with Cedric Norris Jr. Author of Gracefully Broken ~ Episode #405 -> Listen to The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach
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Meet Cedric
Cedric Norris Jr is a senior at Georgia College & State University where he is double majoring in Philosophy & Sociology. At the age of 20, he accepted his calling as a writer with his debut book, Black Light Shining: A Poetic Journey of Self- Love & Reflection. Another year full of trials, tribulations, and spiritual awakenings led to the creation of his second work, Gracefully Broken: A Story of Purpose, Prayer, & Prophecy. the next level.

Taking his dreams to the next level, he made the next step of faith to become a motivational speaker and life coach. Through his well thought out words, intentional spiritual work, and a very good therapist Cedric has made a point to let everyone know, whether believer or non-believer, they are loved, respected, and accepted simply because they are human.
Currently, Cedric is fixating his eyes on the future. He will graduate in May of 2019 and make the move to Atlanta, GA in hopes of expanding and taking his business to the next level.
Episode Highlights:
00:36 Intro
03:08 Tell us about you and your journey to becoming a writer
09:07 What inspired you to write Gracefully Broken?
12:35 How do you hope Gracefully Broken help people?
26:50 What was your biggest struggle when you wrote your first book?
31:40 Tell us about your writing time… Do you have a consistent time you wrote? Do you write daily? What worked for you and what are some things that do not work for you?
35:59 What words of advice and encouragement do you have for new writers or someone struggling to write their book?
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