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Tuesday, March 30th @ 3PM EST!
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Top Tips From The Write Coach
How can you help your readers before your book is ready?
What is a lead magnet?
Discover email strategies to generate sales from your leads.
Create a Lead Magnet for your Book! with Alyson Lex ~ #1504 The Write Hour with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoachTeam #TheWriteHour @BisbanoWrites
Meet Alyson
Alyson Lex is a 13+ year veteran direct response copywriter. From her start as the Director of Marketing at Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle (working and writing for Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer) to her private business helping hundreds of coaches, authors and speakers, to her podcast helping you market your business AND put good into the world - she lives and breathes effective marketing that works withOUT selling your soul.

Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Connect with Alyson: - Free 30-Second Headline Generator Download - Free Salespage that Writes Itself Guide - My Conversion Strategies for Coaches & Experts Facebook Group