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[…] How to Organize Your Researchhttps://www.thewritecoach.biz/103/ […]
Reply Where do you save and organize your research and notes for your book?
What are the best ways to consolidate your information for easy access?
Use Evernote for Research.
Use Dropbox to secure your manuscript and important documents.
Use Scrivener to create your amazing book.
Has your computer ever died, been lost or stolen? Then you know the panicking fear it can bring when you have important documents and photos on your computer. What if it held the only copy of your book?
Where and how do you organize your notes and research for your book? Maybe you have a notebook you have been writing ideas, folders on your browser with some support information, you have emails about research or your book cover, and maybe you have interviewed people for your book. There are slips of paper or legal pads here and there.
What is the best way to bring all these ideas into one place and distill them down into your incredible book?
I use three programs to keep my life and my book organized. On today’s show, I share how each one can help you with your writing projects. The great thing is you can create a system to keep all your information easily accessible.
Episode #103 -> Top Three Ways To Organize Your Research with Joyce Glass, Tips From #TheWriteCoach #TheWriteHour
1) Remember it is simply a folder on your computer
2) You can put as many folders as you want in Dropbox (There is a 2G limit for free version)
3) Save your Word, Pages, and/or Scrivener files to Dropbox to sync across all devices, and to keep your work safe.
4) Download Dropbox to your computer. Sign up for an account. Save Dropbox to your favorites in your folder for easy access.
5) When you create any document, you simply choose the Dropbox folder to put your info inside of instead of saving to your computer folder.
02:28 How Evernote helps with research
11:30 Use Dropbox to protect your manuscript.
16:41 Scrivener best tool to use to write your book!
Which program will help you the most?
Share your answer in the Facebook Comments below!
Joyce Glass, The Write Coach, helps writers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners use the power of story to connect with clients. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember your story. Joyce takes her clients through the book writing process from the idea of a writing a book to the finished manuscript. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book or in the process. Joyce loves to help her clients break it down into manageable steps. Some people start multiple books, and never finish. Joyce helps you reach the finish line.
[…] How to Organize Your Researchhttps://www.thewritecoach.biz/103/ […]